Things you need to commission me!

Here are some things you should keep in mind when commissioning me or requesting a quote!

I want a quote for my idea!

If you would like to have a budget for your idea (this is free) you will need the following:- Visual or Written References (the more detailed the better)- An idea of my base prices and what type of commission you want (for example, a fullcolor fullbody with a complex background)

I want to commission you!

If you would like to commission me you will need the following:- Visual or Written References (the more detailed the better)- An idea of my base prices and what type of commission you want (for example, a fullcolor fullbody with a complex background)-You must already have the money prepared, otherwise you will be occupying the place that someone else could have while I wait for you to make the payment- I will send an invoice via Paypal and you will have up to 3 days to pay it, after that date the invoice will be deleted and I will have someone else fill your slot, unfortunately I can't afford to have unpaid invoices piling up (But don't worry, you can always come back when you are ready to pay and I will resend the invoice when I am able to. But if this late payment behavior is repeated several times I may start refusing to work with you, so please be careful)